Saturday 19 May 2007

At the moment I'm reading all of Richard Dawkins' books and some written by other prominent atheists. If anyone else wants to read these I've added a link where they can be downloaded from - Atheist Texts
Richard Dawkins:
The God Delusion(2006)
The Devil's Chaplain(2003)
Unweaving The Rainbow(2000)
The Blind Watchmaker(1996)
The Selfish Gene S.E.(1990)
Sam Harris:
Letter to a Christian Nation(2006)
Carl Sagan:
Pale Blue Dot(1997)
Demon Haunted World(1997)

Maybe, if we can rid ourselves of these supernatural delusions we can finally realise that we are all human beings sharing one world and it's the World not non-existent souls that needs saving. There's no Paradise, so you don't need to blow me up to get your 72 virgins (by the way that's a mistranslation - it's actually 72 raisins), there's no rapture to prepare for, there's just you and me, each of us with just this one life to live and just this one beautiful planet to live it on!

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