Sunday 13 December 2009

Saturday 12 Dec - Sofa Sleeper, Curry and Back to Work

After everyone went to bed I stayed up intending to catch up on some TV, particularly the two latest episodes of Spooks. I watch one episode but can't recall anything about it and then fell asleep. I was still asleep it seems when everyone else woke up. I was left sleeping there until I finally returned to consciousness at about 1pm when Deb was taking Han to ballet. Did a few things then went to bed until 6pm.

Deb had bought curry for Han and I and pasta for Nat and herself. Han and I had Rogan Josh and Chicken Tikka Marsala with rice, nans and onion bargees. Lovely!!!

Off to work 7:45, busy as bollocks...again. It’s now 04:30 and I'm off to lunch.

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