Sunday 30 March 2014


1300 Followers plus largest Retweet And Favourite for Tweet Ever

Well it has been an eventful night I had a good enough signal at work to play twitter #GamesOnTheIPhone asAstonishingIPlayTheSillyOneTheoristThinkItWasSomeMoviesButThenIMovedOnTo #IAmNotALiberalBecauseAndIReallyMustHaveJustFoundMyFlowBecauseEverythingIWroteWasBeingRetweetedAllFavouredAnd
Start that bitch again I was playing a silly game first of all I think it was movie songs or something similar and never moved on to why I am not a liberal and the results of that what astonishing I really just got my floor one and everything I tweeted seems to be either favourite is Aubrey tweeted and one tweet was retweeted 40 times and favoured nearly 30 which was I will insert later I can't recall exact wording ........ Plus screen shot

After that while waiting for dad to pick me up at work I treated with other Deb and had a really silly conversation with her before coming home where I discovered that my faves and retweeted continue to grow whilst I was in the car and the numbers Rising and I stayed on twitter responding until when the big question came on the BBC program with the religious digits I started playing again and low and behold I was still on a world and my comments most of which were extremely mocking will be treated favoured and responded to so had an astonishingly good time whilst on there for an hour despite the fact that Deborah is trying to hang the new gate and wants me to help I told she could wait when I came out she done it anyway which was fun they you go that's why the advantages so we have a new back gate as well oh and I forgot to mention the very first thing in the heading of this entry which was that I finally broke the 1300 barrier and have more than 1300 followers on twitter now I'll probably lose a few of those Saulwick will oscillate backwards and back and forth for little while but hopefully a direction is ever upward I just need to be on the ball as I was last night and that shouldn't be too great a problem.
It's Mother's Day of course dad got her presents a hand is the only one here at the moment as Nat is still away on his height Hannah got hurray bodyshop kind of product that smells absolutely beautiful and Nat got a rather gorgeous steam punkish pendant I will photograph the subsequently and append the pictures as appropriate as for me I'm now in bed I think the twitter feed has slowed down if not stopped as has Facebook so it's time to. Put on a podcast listen and drift off to sleep hopefully when I post this entry it won't disappear like it did yesterday I tried voice recognition in Bognor last night is a quick test and not appear to work so I'm crossing my fingers and hoping and praying that you don't let me down stop

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