Wednesday 26 March 2014

Comedy Central Offers Creationists Weekly Time Slot to Present "Scientific Facts"

First presentation will be the Classic Discovery Channel Documentary "The Flintstones" Yabba Dabba Doo (what were also the common languages that allowed humans and dinosaurs to congress threely) I can't wait to see those so called "Evilutionist" having to swallow their big made up words that no normal folk does understand becos it is gobbledegook as is clearly showed by normal folks not knowing it. Score another touchdown for our Lord The Baby Jesus who died because he was cross about the Philistines calling all their children Nigel Quentin or Phil Istine because this would make them gay and then God's joyfill all forgiving love and compassion would mean he would have no choose but to consign them to burn in infernally agony forever because they was into cock instead of virgininnas like witch they would have been doing if their had been named Duke or Billy Ray or any other proper Billical name. Also having disproved evilution that makes the big bang wrong cos it couldn't have evolved by natural section because there wasn't not any and so that therefore then that then proves the Earth is 6,000 years old which is therefore another touchdown for our saver who has therefore proved twice how he is real because he was also the first person to speak to the dinosaursa and then done pass on his knowledging of Yabba Dabba Do to the wise men of the 12 tribes of Isrealites who was really white anyway as was the baby lord. Now shirley that makes more common sense than all that disrespectful silly #Cosmos nosense. Hallillululla

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