Thursday 10 September 2009

Thursday 10 Sept - RANT!!!!!

I finish work tomorrow morning and I've decided that I have to do something, for a change, to give me something to write about. Perhaps this could be the motivation to get off my arse, ignore the pain, do something and then write about for no one to read! BUT WHAT?

On a different point all together, anyone seen the latest pictures from the Hubble Telescope? Why do you want to believe religious bull when you can be overwhelmed by these photos? Human beings, the ones that think anyway, have managed to photograph things that happened billions, not millions, but billions of years ago, how fantastic is that? Just look at these:-
A dying star unleashes streams of ultraviolet radiation and superheated gas that glow against the darkness of space. This object is an example of a planetary nebula, so-named because many of them have a round appearance resembling that of a planet when viewed through a small telescope.

Some people will look at these pictures and see the hand of GOD at work (unless they're young Earth creationist who'll see it as God playing a trick with the speed of light), but how do you reconcile this view of an Almighty God with the petty God that banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. This God is the God that put a talking snake into The Garden. A talking snake that he had "designed" (one for you ID freaks out there in laalaa land, OR KANSAS AS THE REST OF US CALL IT). If the snake was able to persuade Eve to persuade Adam to do the one thing that God had forbidden them from doing it was only able to do so because God had made it that way... and that makes NO Sense, if he's a loving God! This isn't a loving God, this is one fucked up sadist. The cosmic equivalent of the evil little bastard who pulls the wings off of flys and isn't a child! However depressing may be the thought of eternal oblivion the thought of spending eternity with this cunt is far worse!

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