Monday 4 April 2011

Hannah's Last Cubs, Moving On To Scouts, Neptunium Macro Bugs, Huge Hughs,

Started feeling a little “odd” on Monday but little anticipated I was about to get my forth or is it fifth cold in six months. As such I did little today other than potter about on the PC and catch-up on recorded TV. T’was a momentous day today for one member of our family; actually no it was momentous for all of the family, although I missed it. Today was Hannah’s last day as a Cub as of this coming Wednesday she’s a Scout and a whole period of our lives has closed. Nat became a Beaver when he was five (or was it four?) as did Hannah and so between them they’ve been attending Beavers and then Cubs on a Monday at the Barn for the last eight or even nine years. Arkala’s been in our lives all that time and now we’ll probably hardly ever see her except at the occasional joint event such as the upcoming St. Georges day parade on Sunday 10 April. Scouts meet at the Barn too but on a Wednesday so we won’t even see her in passing. Deb managed to get a few photos which I’ll upload and include here but by this time I was asleep on the sofa as the nasty bugs went about their evil business.

I can’t recall anything else other than the earthquake and the infestation of Neptunium Macro Bugs. Normally I’d give these items more space, especially as the bugs ate three people I’ve actually nodded to in passing, but to be honest the Cubs event really relegates them to the sidelines so I’ll make no more mention of them here…well apart to remark on the remarkable size of the boy bugs sexual organs which were Hugh. I’ve no idea why all their dicks were call Hugh but there you go something science can’t explain and proof of the existence of the God of the Saps Gaps.

So In Summary:
Hannah’s a Scout
Neptunium Macro Bugs have Huge Dicks called Hugh.

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