Monday 27 June 2011


Nat poorly
Rambo 4
Twitter Spam
Resident Evil 3
Hannah at Fosse Park with Shantelle
Hot Ride IN

Twelfth Night Boat to Cairo

Johnny B Goodfellow  #shakespearerock

As U2 Like It  #shakespearerock

 To Bee Gee Or Not To Bee Gee #shakespearerock



Let Joy Be Unconfined My Colleagues’ Wife has over cooked so for 1st time in ages I’ve just had unexpected & free Indian Veggie feast Yummy

@lunarchic licks lips, burns tongue but leans back with satisfying feeling of fullness & contentment & ponders; time for coffee and bickies?

@Monicks The Major Questions Monkeys Ask: No.1 …"If evolution was true and we all really did evolve; then why are there still creationists"?

@Medusa_Rantz  Not sure peachy is the right expression? As someone with a Law Degree of his very own the correct term is, I recall, BUGGER!

@CharlesBivona  Nicest thing: Don't knock my door on a Sunday 2 tell me Jesus loves me because my MASSive Sunday Lunch is my act of worship!

I still cannot believe that you continue to remain un-beatified. Truly you are an inspiration to those too hungry to eat chocolate

Snort, Snort, Snort, Snort, Snort. #5lines relieves the languish #lqw

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