Sunday 26 June 2011

A Wee Rant

What a night what am I to do. There’s something seriously amiss with the servers here because twitter, and much else, is running at a speed I’d have only anticipated were I still accessing the glorious Inter-Web via a 56K dial up modem. Additionally, when I am finally able to tweet a tweet bloody Twitter insists on telling me, repeatedly, that I’ve already sent it…and then sends it. It’s at times like this that I’m glad I’m bald (not quite Ladies don’t panic) because otherwise I’d be tearing, what remained, violent  away from me pate. It’s a pain in the proverbial rear end and I’m at a loss to understand how I’ve managed to get this far into this rant without yet resorting to profanity but that’s about to end…Fuck, Fuck and Fuck! Well I’ll give it one more try but if this persists it’s back to reading Rubber Donkey Molesters Monthly for moi.
Oh joyous irony it would appear that my internet speed has just increased dramatically at roughly the same time as those I was chatting with have all logged off. Surely doth my cup runneth over but no they’re still there oh let joy be unbound and let the Daleks reconcile with the Doctor and live happily ever after.

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