Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Apple frustration

Just posted a link to Facebook directly from the pod cast however trying to do the same thing for Blogger seems to be impossible because all matter where I look that doesn't appear to be an option that allows me to add Blogger to the list of possibilities when I choose to share something such as a podcast link or anything else we get the email message in Facebook Twitter that added to this is the fact that if therefore this application will not activate Google services because I could get round the problem I've just described if by using that when ever I post to Facebook then that application automatically posts the same information to Blogger therefore I will always have a duplicate in Blogger or Facebook posts possibly or twitter post possibly all what's up posts and so on basically without having to do anything myself other than just make the original post this is what I dream of I want an integrated system that I will be buggered if I can discover how to get it to work I have no idea why I F TTT if this then that will not activate Google products nor can I work out how to make Blogger a part of the listings to which one can share so it's bang your head against the wall time unless I suppose I ask online at forum if anyone can suggest a solution that must be some solution or some explanation but at the moment it's just a question of frustration!!!

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