Tuesday 24 May 2011

John Simpsons Last, Governors meeting, Work, JDM Off, 397 Twitter Followers

I’m due back at work tonight and before that I’ve a School Governors meeting at Millfield. Given this I really should have gone to bed at a reasonable time but instead stayed up and finally went upstairs at 2 O’clock. It seems I didn’t need a lot of sleep and when Deb woke me up at 5:30 I was wide awake and fit to work.
I borrowed Nat’s new bike to cycle to the school, he was in Endeby at his friend Fred’s house, to see what it was like; it was a lovely ride.
The Governors meeting went well, Nick the new chair is a professional bureaucrat and well use to running meetings so things moved quickly. We have a new Clark of Governors as Lee, our previous Clark, has, apparently, been elected to a seat on the Council and is no longer able to be Clark. The new guy is called Alan seems fine.
It was a sad meeting in one way because it was the Heads last. John is retiring at the end of term; his hips have gone, just like mine did, and will require replacing sometime soon. He feels it would be better, now he’s 60, to retire rather than be absent off and on during the next few years as he gets over the various surgeries. When I arrived he called me into his office to ask me about the operation and its aftermaths. There is going to bed a farewell event in July and hopefully I’ll see him a few times more before then. He’s been Headmaster during all of Nat’s time at Millfield and all but one year of Hannah’s time there. He’s going to be a difficult act to follow but hopefully the new Head Peter Wood will be up to the job.
Afterward I went home got my stuff ready and cycled to work, this time on my bike. I arrived in time to start at 9:30 and need to put in a public duties form for the lost time
JDM's off so Hasmukh is acting in his place, why's he never asked me I wonder, things were pretty quiet and remained that way for the resst of the evening.


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