Saturday 7 December 2013

Testing the Dragon

Dear Dragon Dictation I see that you to only work when online having said that I have to admire how well you record and transcribe what I say so for that 100% without a single error Odea so far nought so for not not nought okay that's much better Dragon it seems that as long as I speak really clearly you can get what I'm saying. Period okay it seems I don't say period rather I say. Does that mean if I want to make a break in a sentence I say, or does it only work if I say. Well it seems that I say,; gosh this is amazing I really am most impressed from now on it appears to be no need for writing simply for some minor editing. Okay now then dragon I'm able to copy this and paste it into a Borger entry please tell me I can because if so then you are the answer to all of life's small problems or even the big ones while gallbladder. That should've read blogger. Okay obviously I need to work on my pronunciation and to ensure clarity of speech when dictating to Dragon thank you for your patience.

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