Tuesday 19 January 2010

New Years Resolutions - or getting off my arse and doing something

Learning to write an Application for the iPhone

In order to do this it is necessary to learn C because iPhone applications are written in Objective C which is a subset of C.

Do this however the first order of business must be to learn how to write well engineered software and to achieve this will necessitated completing the Stanford introduction to programming into course.

Therefore my objectives for 2010 must be as follows:

Watch Stanford Videos and Carry out Stanford work programme.

Learn to write good Java programs.

When confident with Java move onto C and learn to write good C programs.

When confident with C move on to Objective C and learn to write good objective C programs.

Research what applications would be worthwhile writing.

Work out how to Write and Develop such an application.

Involve the Children in this process.

So the first order of business this month will be to read around the subject and arrange a schedule when we can watch the videos. We'll need to do this on Nat's computer because we will need to download programs from Stanford that require windows not Linux.

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