Friday 13 March 2009

Comic Relief Day

So it's Comic Relief Day (AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! - I remember when it first started, for the first 10 yrs, I actually bought most of the products, including, RED NOSES FOR OUR CARS – I never went this far ) and I feel utterly cynical towards it all, I have become telethon Scrooge. I think it's because I conflate it with BBC Children in Need (CIN) which never seems to go away, no sooner over than starting again - there is such a thing as superficial self-righteous celebrity fatigue

They say time goes faster as you get older and so it seems. I've written nothing since our visit to London last Saturday (if you’re not already a committed diarist just remembering to blog takes some remembering and I seem to keep forgetting to remember, something I must remember to stop doing) and the days seemed to have whizzed by, seemingly blending seamlessly one into another.

Despite what I said in the above paragraph, I am looking forward to watching CR tonight and I’m sure the kids will have had good time raising money at School today. The sketches are funny and it is a little less up its own arse than is CIN (cin good bit). 

In addition to which it is strangely fascinating to watch all those daring young 80’s comics, who like me are now middle-aged, trying to be down/get down with the yuff of today (whichever of those is the correct expression)!

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