Saturday 13 March 2010

Honestly, Flogging's Too Good For Them - Time to make a Stand

A teenager has been charged with the harassment of a man who collapsed and died in the garden of his Greater Manchester home.

Car death pair 'abused for years'

'Kids are just ruling this road'

I never ever thought that I would ever say this but… It’s time to bring back the birch and public humiliation for the feral wastrels infesting British society.

There’s absolutely no point appealing to their better natures because they don’t have any better natures to appeal too. The very concept that others might be possessed of rights is utterly alien to them. Behaviours that any “normally socialised” person would consider as simple matters of politeness and consideration they perceive solely as signs of weakness.

Thanks, in most part I would claim, to the social carnage wrought by the economic reforms of the 1980’s we in 21st Century Britain are possessed of (and need to deal with) an asocial underclass; made up of, in the main, the feral offspring of the abandoned casualties of the Thatcher years!

It doesn’t seem possible to reason with these people, the only rights they acknowledge and trumpet are their own. Where reason cannot prevail then the only recourse is to force; it’s time to pay them in the one coin they respect, personal pain and humiliation! They cannot be allowed to continue to ride roughshod over others; to continue to prey on the weak and helpless. To use the vernacular:

“They need to be Dis’d Big-time”

and the more publicly this is done the better. It’s hard to remain the “Big Man” when you’re publicly naked, crying like a baby and the record of this event is made permanently available on YouTube!

Surely, the "raison d'être" of the social contract is that it protects us from each other and from external threats. In return for this protection we renounce our right to violence against others and we require others, in return, to renounce theirs against us. Failure to voluntarily conform with this compact means that the State, using appropriate sanctions, steps in to force our compliance. I accept this constrain upon my license and it's time these lttle shits did likewise!

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