Sunday, 19 April 2009

Bury My Fart (Heart) at Wounded Thumb (Knee)

What did I miss? Home for 8 AM Nat and Deb off to Rugby training and Hans staying with me. I stayed up until about 11:00 then went to bed where I had to read a chapter of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows to Han. After which she left me to get some sleep and went downstairs to play on the computer; why oh why did I ever find and tell her about Wambie?

It seems that while I was asleep Deb and Nat returned home, picked up Han and went to the allotment. They weren't there long because when Han got out of the car the wind caught the door and slammed it onto her thumb. After 10 Min's of running it under the tap at the water butt and lots of cuddles she was still crying and apparently was in a lot of pain. In addition her thumb had started to balloon. Into the car and off too Leicester Royal Casualty dept. Han had broken her thumb;

she was also bleeding under the nail. The staff had to piece the nail with a red hot instrument to release the blood and cauterise the wound. Lets hope the nail isn't deformed by this as mine was (I managed to lose 2 nails on a summer job back when I was a student).

She was very brave when I got up and proudly displayed her wounds; I think her thumb will be very sore by morning and perhaps it might be best if she stays home with me for the day rather than going too school.

Last night again at work, I'm on manuals tonight so it'll be a break from talking to the public.

Han goes to the doctor and as she touches each part of her body with her thumb she says, "Doctor it hurts everywhere. My leg hurts, my arm hurts, my neck hurts, and even my head hurts!" The doctor asks, "Have you always been a Blonde?" "Yes, I have." she replies. "Why do you ask?" The doctor answers, "Because your thumb is broken!"

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