Sunday 12 April 2009

The Piccadilly Cowboys

Adding books to LibraryThing (whose widget, in a post below this one, appears to have died) has been quite an odd experience. I keep dredging books up from memory and suddenly started to remember all the western series that I was hooked on during the 70's and 80's. Like the cowboy film genre the western book genre had all but died by the mid 80's. However for 10 years these western anti-heroes were so popular that they had their own section in most bookshops. The original was Edge the Loner by George G Gilman (real name Terry Hacknett) and this character spawned a plethora of imitations, some very good some not so great. Oddly enough it appears that all these various titles were written by a very small coterie of writers (Hacknett amonsgt them) who were collectively known as The Piccadilly Cowboys.

Looking at the various websites it would appear that I collected virtually every one of every one (if you get my meaning) of these series with only a few exceptions.

Those I collected included:

The Writers


and of course the man who started the ball rolling:

The Man Called George G Gilman

One of the things I really liked about these books was the consistent cover art. Once a character's appearance was established it was maintained, from book cover to book cover, for the entire series run however long that might prove to be. The other good thing was, these were series, you could look forward to the next book and there were so many series you could be sure there would be one along almost weekly.

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