Friday 10 April 2009

Good Friday

This Day In History - 10 April
So, Whats Good Friday All About Then?

Summary of Good Friday

A Christian Festival that Commemorates the crucifixion
and death of Jesus Christ* (the Son of God in Christian mythology).

Date Friday immediately preceding Easter Sunday
2009 date April 10 (Western)
April 17 (Eastern)
2010 date April 2 (Western)
April 9 (Eastern)
Celebrations No traditional celebrations
Observances Prayer and vigil services, fasting,
almsgiving, some family gatherings

* Apparently he stayed dead until the Sunday when the Easter Bunny found an egg from which he was hatched to be born again as the first born again Christian.

Home for 8:00am, kids not up chatted with Deb, had a beer.

Deb took the kids out for the day, I’ve not been made privy to what they did/). I went to bed.
Up for 6:00pm, pizza for tea which we unanimously didn't eat, twas orrid...I know not why. I went to work. No staff so despite the fact that call volumes were tiny we were quite busy. Dawn returned my pen drive and brought me an Easter HotXBun (thanks Dawn).

I logged onto Librarything, for the first time in months, and uploaded a few more titles. I embedded their widget on this site (see above if you haven't already). and noticed that I'd received a friendship request from Eve BrownWaite, now normally I tend to ignore these, as I'm usually decades older that the person making the request and I don't want to be accused of grooming anything except horses. For some reason, on this occasion, I decided to check this one out and I'm glad I did; her bio is hilarious and she's written a book that I think I might buy.

Shook Changes effect BBC News Website, police suspect hackers involved. A BBC spokesman today confirmed the accuracy of the Oral Sex story, but then, the HE would, wouldn't he!

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