Tuesday 28 April 2009

Tuesday 28 April - Not Alot

Went to bed about 11:30 and didn't wake up until 18:45. Deb picked up the kids and they went to the cinema to see Coraline which Han says was very scary.

I can't recall anything of note for the rest of the evening aside from Nat demonstrating a working cold fusion battery he's built using toilet rolls and sticky backed plastic... big deal (Flash Basta*d) Yawn!

Han told on him anyway, apparently the extraterrestrial insectoid they've been in communication with for the last six months showed him what to do, so not so clever now then are you Big Head! When you perfect the chav disruptor beam, imparts a sense of social responsibility whilst removing bling and re-enabling the speech centres of the brain, come back and see me, until then talk to the bug cos the dad ain't listening.

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