Friday 28 May 2010

Friday 28 May – Farewell to Jack Nash who's off to Norfolk

Young jack ids leaving Brockington and Leicester and moving with his family to Norfolk. Jack’s been at school with Nat since they were in reception. He lives a little way from us in a nearby cul-de-sac  and unfortunately suffers quite badly from Asperger syndrome. As a result he has been subjected to the most severe bulling and some kids have made his life an absolute misery. It’s so unfair, the poor little devil did nothing to deserve this; it could just as easily been anyone of the bullying little bastards ( I’m proud to say that neither Nat nor Han have EVER taken part in this…we’ve taught them better and we would be utterly ashamed of them if we ever found out that they did). Anyway, eventually, even his Mum, who felt he should just have to learn to deal with it in the false hope that he would get better, has had to conclude that it’s not healthy for her son to come home ever day and cry his eyes out because of the endless bullying. So she’s decide to take a new job in Norfolk, up sticks and try and give Jack a new start. If they can find something for him to focus on he could be outstandingly talented... People with Asperger's often display intense interests.  He performed in a school play last year, read the part once, was word perfect and nailed the character absolutely. it was generally agreed that his performance was the best by a mile!
Anyway, Donna, softy that she is, decided that he couldn’t leave without some sort of ceremony to mark the occasion so she arranged to hold a surprise party for him at her house. Below are the photos and videos we took; it was good fun and we bought him a copy of Bill Bryson’s A Short History of Nearly Everything as a farewell present.

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