Sunday 16 May 2010

Saturday 15 May – Swollen Leg, Hot & Cold, Audio Boo

Not a very nice day today, my left leg is swollen to the size of a tree trunk and my skin is so stretched that it’s an additional discomfort. the Surgeon warned me that my system would fluctuate wildly for the next few weeks and today was a bad day. One moment I’m drenched in sweat but the moment I take the wet clothes off to changed I’m frozen and literally shivering as if I was suffering from flu. A little later I’m once again on fire soaked and so the cycle goes.

I did manage to do one thing this morning before the cycle set in big time. I managed to set up Audio Boo on my phone. Audio Boo is like twitter except it records short spoken messages. An application is available for the phone and Android phones but it’s not supposed to work on other makes until they release applications for these models. I’ve discovered a work round. You can post to Audio Boo using pixel pipes. I’ve got pixel pipes on my phone, I use it to upload photos and videos so here's the trick:-

Set up Audio Boo A/c

Set up Pixel pipes A/c

Set up Pixel pipes on Phones

Set one Pixel pipes destination as Audio Boo

Set up Audio Boo to post to Twitter and Facebook

Use voice recorder function on phone, upload to pixel pipes that uploads this to Audio boo that uploads it too Twitter and Facebook. Once its set up all you do is record Boo and upload everything else works automatically. Bit fiddly but it now means that if I see something and I want to remember it  i can press record on phone and make a verbal rather than written note. The Boo appears on Twitter as a short link and on Facebook something like this:-


So that’s about it for yesterday, went to bed about 4:00 PM got up 9:00PM; Nat spent the days at Jacob's house and had just got home, Han had spent the day with Shanntel and had just got home. We watched last week’s and this week’s Doctor Who episodes. Afterward Han went to bed; Deb Nat and I watched the best of Russell Howard’s Goodness and afterward Nat and I watched an episode of Family Guy ( Stewie and Brian special – Road to the Multiverse). Finally Nat went to bed I stayed up to watch the whole second series of “Coming of Age” but fell asleep in the chair instead and woke up at 6:00 AM…went to bed until 10:00.

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