Thursday 10 June 2010

Deep Exchanges on Face Book- In Five Parts with Three Players - Who Says F.B. has to be Trivial

Aminesh Patel Where to buy good turf from?...Any good places you have in you mind ? pls drop line.. cheers.

Tina Jewel 
I'm partial to northern alberta..though other people who live there..will say that's nuts..but there's a place up there that is elevated enough and is far enough away from possible volcanoes and earthquakes and would do fine during an earth change like a polar shift..should the ocean invade the land once again, this place would be an island in the has fresh water..but it's a native reserve so you can't buy land there I don't think..but you could buy land near by I bet.
I guess, I should ask what your intentions are for buying land..are you looking to go self sufficient? will you need ot be near a city for work? or could you get paid from depends on what your priorities are..but all time favorite wish is to end up, up alberta..that's where my family is from..some of them!


Loved your response to Amiesh's query about acquiring some turf. I'm not sure he was looking for a redoubt come the Apocalypse but it was brilliant anyway.
Tina Jewel 10 June at 21:05 Report
well, thanks for that..I figured it would be good to get that out there anywsys what with the BP thing going on right now..Soon according to the projections I've seen it will be getting into the atmosphere and the states closer to the gulf will be getting it the worst..Maybe I should've told him to go to Chicago or something..=:P I don't even know where he is right now or if he is even Canadian or anything..Still, I think if people could get situated in the right areas, going where it's safe will be easier for them..if there are good people along the way with properties people who would come for a gathering like that could make their pit stops along the way..I haven't been able to stop thinking about that place, what I consider to be the holy mountain, ever since 2001 when I first learned of a thing called Niburu..It's so hard to tell, when is just the right time to really bang that drum..People have to be thirsty enough for it to be open enough to recieve the message and to take action..Though it seems to me that most won't be able to even if they try..They won't know how to co-operate with each other enough to help each other get up there,they won't be able to escape fema rescue camps, I worry they won't be allowed past the border..It makes me think maybe the NAU might be good just for one would be nice to know how exactly things will pplay out..I'm not really much of a scriptures person though I have spend my fair share of time and brain power thumbing thru pages of them..It seems to me this time has been well aniticipated by a good many ancient people and not 'just' in the abrahamic faiths..So this apocalypse is a very real thing to me..It has many names but the story is the same..The unfolding of events seems to be our clue..Those who have eye to see..ears to hear..and it's funny, we hear about how people throughout history thought their time was THE end times..How do we know if this isn't the same as then? I'm trying to hold back, not to get all gung ho about it all quite yet but it's something that keeps popping up in my mind..When ever I see how things are unfolding, all I can think of is the our refuge..
Thanks for your thoughts..It's nice to hear someone saying something positive about that, cuz I'd expect more of a ridicule based response..=:P I felt like a maniac for typing what I did but it was late so I didn't care..I just let it flow..If people notice that, maybe they will check it out, maybe they will take notice..maybe they will see it's not so nuts after all..maybe..that's the hope anyways..

thanks again, be well..Peace~
I'm not a "spiritual" person in any sense of the word I'm a total materialist so I don't believe in a prophesied end time, an afterlife or any thing supernatural. Yes I can say with near certainty that the earth will not exist in 5 billion years time (give or take a few million) because our current best understanding of astronomy and the life cycle of stars makes the eventual destruction of the Sun as it now is inevitable. Equally, I can take an educated guess that the Human Race, unless it's gone extra solar, will almost certainly not have existed for a significant period of time prior to this event happening. The reason I am concerned that we might live in "The End Times" is because no one has yet been able to prove Thomas Malphus's conclusions, regarding over population and scare resources, wrong. Now add to his equation climate change and you have the perfect storm; one that could engender massive population decline within an insignificant period of time. Religious people want to live in "The End Times" because they are impatient to meet God (God help us if Sara Palin is ever elected President) and will do anything to hasten Judgement Day. The good news for them is that they won't be disappointed because once dead they won't be aware of the non-existence of God. I am concerned about "an end time" simply because I have young children and can perceive that perfect storm on the horizon and getting closer by the moment!

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