Wednesday 20 May 2009

Wednesday 20 May - No More Windows, Steinbeck, What a Gay Day, Spending Public Money and Bye Bye Karina

Next doors windows are finished so the silence this morning was deafening.
Had to get to bed reasonably early because I’d got a school finance committee meeting to attend at 5:30.
Slept the sleep of the just, the justly dammed in my case if the Christians turn out to be right!
With commendable foresight I set an alarm on my N95 for 12:50 to wake me for the sale of an N82 on eBay due to end at 13:05. To plan, the alarm sounded at 12:50 exactly at which time I woke turned it off and went immediately back to sleep - of mice and men ah? . Incidentally I checked later on eBay and found that it sold for £105. They're coming down in price slowly but surely and I will make one my own!

I got up, around 4:30, went downstairs and began to chew happily on the succulent meat of four of the largest faggots it’s ever been my pleasure to behold. I’ve seen big ones before but these were simply enormous! A wonderful way to start the day but, and I have to admit this, I had to make a huge effort to force the last one down my throat, as the third one had filled me almost to bursting! Making the extra effort proved worthwhile however and soon my throat was filled with all that succulent meaty goodness. Mind you, it would be boorish of me not to mention that the mashed potatoes and gravy were delicious too.

Having successfully filled up on tubers, entrails and guts I prepared to go to school. Tonight’s finance meeting was important and we were going to have to decide on some serious matters. First, we had to decide what expenditures we were going to make out of our devolved capital funds. Eventually we agreed to spend £35,000 on the refurbishment of four of the older class rooms that were now in a state of some disrepair. This work will take place over the summer break and everything should be complete for the start of term.

The second issue was somewhat trickier, we had to make a policy decision concerning running a probable deficit budget for the coming school year. If we want to maintain current class sizes we are going to need to replace a teacher who is leaving at the end of term and, in addition, employ another. If we do this we will, on current figures, end up with a year end deficit of approximately £5,000. Whilst this is not a large sum, relative to the entire school budget, it would have to be funded out of the School’s carried forward contingency fund. If this pattern continued indefinitely we would eventually exhaust these funds. It wouldn’t happen over-night, we will be carrying forward at least £40K at the end of this year, but it would happen eventually. To avoid this we might be forced to accept larger class sizes and the resultant detrimental effects this would have successful pupil outcomes across the cohorts

Eventually we agreed to accept the deficit. The Head pointed out that the increased funds we will receive due to higher year 1 intakes over the next few years should easily absorb this shortfall in the future and that 2009/10 should, hopefully, be an anomalous year.

We were done for 6:20 and I started walking home, Donna’s car pulled up alongside and she offered me a lift home. She was out looking for her daughter S who had popped out for some milk and to see a friend and hour ago and who should have been home by now. S is in Nat’s class and is 11and I began to worry. We checked out the streets on the way back to my place but could see no sign of her. As we pulled up outside the house we spotted her playing with Nat and J and I think we both breathed a shared sigh of relief. S stayed to play with Nat and J while Donna when off to run a few errands.

Deb told me she had still been unable to access the Resort Condominiums International (RCI) Site. Sent yet another email requesting a password reset and updated user details!

I got ready for work, left early, on site for 8:05 only to discover that all the over-night teams’ desks had been hijacked by Out of Hours scum. After logging on I was able to cunningly lure a few away from our desks and secretly garrotted them. Unfortunately the majority remained ensconced and it wasn’t until Gail arrived with the team’s AK47 that we were able to clear out the rest of the nest. We’ll probably lay traps before we leave tomorrow morning, hopefully this will discourage them somewhat but I think we’ll find that, like all infestations, it’ll be an ongoing battle. We’ll probably end up running as fast as we can simply to stay where we are. However it turns out; I discovered that I enjoyed making the kills.

Tonight should have been Karina’s last, we’ve got her a card, but hopefully she may be in tomorrow, if so she can join our curry night and prove that she’s hot stuff; I hope so anyway!

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