Wednesday 22 September 2010

I Feel a Little Scribbling Coming On

I’ve been having a bit of a writing binge tonight and I’ve posted my views on two very different sites. In response to Godless Girl’s question I describe my own journey toward atheism and on The Patriot Post I responded to an attack upon atheists.

Both posts are below along with links back to the original sites.

Godless Girl – Would You Go Back to Faith

I was baptised in the Church of England. This, a strictly a strategic move on the part of my agnostic mother; she didn't feel it was fair to potentially damn me because of her choices. I never ever heard my father ever refer to religion, so far as I can recall, in his life. I attended Sunday school until the age of seven. I then asked, what I thought was a reasonable quest and receive an utterly asinine answer in return

Q. if we know other Gods are mythical how do we know ours is real…A. because God says so in the Bible

I'd never had strong feelings about God and "baby" Jesus to begin with and I'd say this was the moment I officially became an agnostic. As the absence of evidence, for the existence of God, grew and as intolerant religious fundamentalism spread, my agnosticism evolved (I'm surely damned for using that word) into atheism. I'd have been happy to remain agnostic and unconcerned about religion but these madmen scare me and make me fear for my children’s futures. So in answer to the original question I've no faith to return to...Thank God!

My Response to -

Atheism: What a Joke By William Murchison

When God created the Universe were you there with your camera? I believe you've just been hoist on own petard. You sneer at the conclusions of learned men who've spent their lives researching these matters and maintain that in fact it was all done by a “Beardy Man who Lives on a Cloud”. You seriously believe in a “Beardy Man” and have the nerve to scoff at the reasoned beliefs of others You, sir, know nothing of what you speak; indeed you are the empty vassal (pun intended) who continues to make the most noise.

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