Monday 13 September 2010

Twitter Shouter, Forgotten Boots, Loughborough, Ollie's Shoulder, Other Injuries, Zak 2Play, Hannah make-up, Wedding Cake,

I’m afraid I was guilty of SHOUTING on Twitter (hangs head in shame and begs the fail whale for forgiveness) this morning. I know how could I let it happen? Well it’s because I was tired after a long night and I then discovered the following direct message: - FlyingFree333 @suranee_ @mysickbones Nobody has ever killed anyone in the name of #atheism if you think they have you don't know what the word means. Now I’d never suggested such a thing and it took me awhile to work out what on earth this was referring to. I eventually concluded that it referred to a tweet I’d posted referencing Brian Dunning’s Skeptoid ( podcast - Who Kills More, Religion or Atheism? (the old chestnut of the religious claiming that Hitler, Stalin and the like committed genocide BECAUSE they were atheists – no they did it because, as Eddie Izzard put it, they were murdering fuckheads). I’m an easy going kind of guy but, as my kids will testify, don’t piss me off when I’m tired. So, shameful as it is to admit, I fired off a quick, ill considered, CAPITALISED, response…whoops! Anyway, I’ve yet to hear back from flyingfree333 and if I do I suppose I should apologise.

While all this drama was taking place Deb and Nat were getting ready to leave for Loughborough where the Vipers were playing rugby that morning. Nat’s got an amazing brain that remembers everything; everything that is except what he needs to immediately remember. A little while after they’d left I receive a call from Deb asking if Nat had left his rugby boots at home. Sure enough there they were on the coffee table twenty miles away from where they were needed. There wasn’t a chance that Deb could get back to collect them so Nat ended up playing in a borrowed pair two sizes too small for him. Perhaps he’ll remember next time! Loughborough, it turned out, not only creamed them but also hurt a few of our players. Poor old Ollie it seems now sports a broken shoulder and another lad had his thumb dislocated. Sport, don’t you just love it? Zak went along to watch and, despite the carnage, is apparently going to start playing for the Vipers next week.

Shortly after they’d left Hannah raised her self from her slumber and proceeded to paint herself like the Whore of Babylon; when will she realise that she is nine years old and not nineteen? We had a few words about how much make-up it’s appropriate for a Nine year old to wear but it went in one ear and straight out the other. God, I’m not looking forward to when she really is a teenager!
Anyway, I eventually popped off to bed at 12:00 leaving her alone watching, surprise, surprise, some cloned production line teen comedy/drama on the Disney channel. I’m sure Disney actually does clone these kids because they all look exactly the same and certainly the scripts are all the same.
Woke at Six to a cacophony coming from the garden; Nat, Jacob and Zak were being “boyish” on the trampoline and Hannah was mainly in tears as she tried to join them. While I was eating dinner Shantelle called with a large piece of wedding cake from Lydia, how kind, which I knew I’d never get to taste. I’m sure I’m psychic because as I was leaving for work Deb and Hannah were munching their way through it!
Cycled to work and arrived at about 8:20, I wore a thin fleece, the weather was mild, and so for once I wasn’t soaked in seat by the time I arrived. JDM was back, from his two weeks in Cyprus, tonight and does he look fit and tanned…well no actually, I’m joking he’s looking a fit as a fiddle and you’d never believe he having an op on his knee in a couple of weeks.

Pretty quite tonight so I’ve been tweeting again and writing this…back to Twitter, let’s hope the Fail Whale’s gone!

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