Wednesday 15 September 2010

Buggered Bike, £120 Repairs!!!, Shock Horror Hannah and Shantelle Fall Out (Over Demi, this time)...AGAIN,

I’m not sure if I went to bed in the morning after Deb and the kids had left; most likely dosed on the sofa while trying to watch Jeremy berating today’s chavs. I’d had to use Nat’s bike the previous night for my beer run to ASDA because my bike’s back tyre was completely flat. Further inspection revealed it to be completely withered and we finally decided to get its long overdue service done. If only I’d known how bad it was, no wonder I’d felt like I was peddling treacle and was sweat soaked on arrival at work. New tyres, new brakes, new gears and a general overhaul were required to return it to its original pristine condition. It cost me £120 all told and I was advised it would be available to pick up the next day.

Shock horror; Hannah and Shantelle have fallen out again, over what this time I’m sure I don’t know. I do know, Hannah is friends with a girl named Demi at school who Shantelle doesn’t like and who doesn’t like Shantelle in return. I don’t know if they have ever actually met but this appears to have no bearing on little girl’s squabbles. The upshot was that Shantelle, who seems more insecure as each day passes, told Hannah that she couldn’t be friends with the both of them. Han’s response, reasonably enough, I’d say, was to say that Demi was her friend at school, Shantelle attends a different school, and that she never played with the both of them simultaneously so what business was it of Shantell’s ? Well that was it, if Han was Demi’s friend then she wasn’t Shantell’s; this is becoming ridiculous they’re falling out, with each other, every other day at the moment. Only six words to three hundred and three!

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