Friday 13 August 2010

I'm Busy Writing Bullocks Working the Whole Day Through

I’m in work for the Second (!!!!) night in a row and I’m Still (!!!!) awake. How on earth is that possible I hear you say…Come on say it…I’m waiting… “How is that possible?”... Finally …Thank you. Well now that’s out of the way, don’t be so reticent next time…OK? Anyway, where was I? Yes that’s right, I recall, I was telling you all how I was still awake and you were expressing your astonished disbelief. To continue, I’m, unbelievable as this obviously seems to all of you, still awake and writing this blog entry. So if I’m writing it I must therefore have something I want to say. Well normally that would be true but perhaps I’m writing it simple as an aid to remaining awake. As to actual content I might, indeed, be facing a deficiency there of or am I? Well actually the answer must be I am because if I weren’t I wouldn’t be continuing to write this obvious attempt to fill this space with substantially nothing. Come on, I spent the first four lines having a totally fictitious conversation with the non-existent readers who were reading what I was saying and failing to expressed their disbelief sufficiently strongly. If that’s not filling space for the sake of it I don’t know what the frick is. Was there a need for faux-profanity in that last sentence or was it used as a deliberate ruse to give me an excuse to continue writing this post? Well I’ll tell you what I think and it’s this “ I should have ended that last sentence with a question mark” and it would appear that during a later edit, that I’ve just performed less than a second ago, I did. As a result I should really delete my thoughts about the question mark issue as it’s no longer apropos to the current situation. But if I did so that would reduce the total volume of text I‘ve typed and surely that would be defeating my whole purpose, wouldn’t it? What do you think or even recon? Do you have an opinion and if you do who the frick are you and how are you managing to read this. I’ve not finished or posted this so how is it possible that your reading it and if you aren’t how could you possible have an opinion in the first place you nosey barstool? Well that’s four hundred words out of the way now I only have to come up with a way of writing the remaining five hundred and I’m home free. Five hundred words of complete and utter bullocks and a ringing endorsement of my suitability to become a reporter on either the Daily Express or the Sunday Sport. What’s that? There’s still forty something words to go before I reach my goal. Oh what a frickin awful dilemma because I find that I can’t really think of anything else to write to make it to my self appointed target. Come on someone help me out here what else can I say? Wait a goddamn picking minute; I’ve just passed the five hundred mark without any help from any of you useless articles so you can all frig off outta here! Five Hundred and Forty and this makes it Five Fifty!

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