Friday 20 August 2010

Nat's notes Friday 20 August

Friday 20 August

Today I went into town with my homies i.e. Zak and Sam. First we went to the Warhammer store and played a game of 2 V 2 we won (we being me and the guy that was on my team). On a slightly related note there was a Ginger in the Warhammer store who gets on my tits. He does this by having a massive army at 8000 points I have 2000 points but the annoying thing is he dose not look after them most aren't painted and have arms and weapons missing.

Near the end of the day we played a big battle my team all had 800 points each and the guy with 8000 points was the other team. We got the first turn we started with me dropping 2 drop pods behind enemy lines. These the disgorged 10 heavily armed and armoured Terminators. Terminators are Space Marines in super duper ala peter de hooper Armour.

When I got home Zak came over and we played Resident Evil 5. It was a fun game for all the family with lots of killing and zombies with either exploded head, pincer mouths,ugly faces or Zombies with chain saws.

After Zak had gone I downloaded a new game called Monday Night Combat. I would highly recommend it.

By Nat (the Ginster) Jones

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