Sunday 15 August 2010

Nat's Notes Sunday 15 August

Sunday 15 August

Today was the exact opposite of yesterday. Why you ask is this? It is because it was incredible sunny, so sunny we all got sunburnt.

We had already done all the drills so we just played bulldog, a couple of games of rugby and did some kicking. The first thing we did was play bulldog in which I started off as a defender. The defenders job is to tackle the people running across the field before they get to the other side. After this we played rugby where you have to stay on your knees. We also played normal rugby during this I scored the most EPIC try ever in the history of rugby. This try was epic because I ran all the way across the pitch and at the end I got tripped up by someone sliding into the back of my ankles. This resulted in me flying through the air while at the same time spinning and landing over the try line and scoring. I am told it looked like it was out of the Matrix.

After they had added up the scores for all the different drills they awarded me a silver medal. This is the second time I have earned a silver medal and it was an improvement on last year when I only got a bronze.

Nat (the Ginster) Jones

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